I must say I get a kick out of reading the paper in Hong Kong. On a daily basis you can read hundreds of Government officials getting caught for committing some type of fraud or taking a bribe. Or you can read about every corrupt company compromising ingredients in products. The best one I read today "Korean Christians pray for Lady Gaga to go away" "We will pray to God that the Lady Gaga concert not be realized so that pornography and homosexuality will not be spread around the country". Their words not mine! There are other tragic stories of automobile accidents and murders of husbands, wives, and lovers. My question is, why don't the reporters in the U.S. do investigative work to out our politicians? We know very well that they are not walking a straight line, that they are as corrupt as the Chinese and all the other politicians around the world. Why is it that we not look in to their practices of taking payments, bribes from lobbyists. Why do we still allow pork barrels in the U.S? When we know that some hands somewhere is being greased. It seems to me that the politicians in the U.S. are always seeking to blame corporate America, throw them under the bus to distract attention from their own naughty behavior for decades. Do you really think congressman stay in their careers to serve the public? Have you taken a look at their income tax returns?
Senate Leadership
Majority Party Leader - $193,400
Minority Party Leader - $193,400
House Leadership
Majority Leader - $193,400
Minority Leader - $193,400
Now This is what they are supposed to earn, how is it that we have 261 millionaires?
The median personal wealth for members of Congress grew to $911,510 in 2009, up from $785,515 in 2008, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Nearly half of the members of Congress are millionaires.
U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein is one of 261 millionaire members of Congress, according to an analysis of personal wealth conduct by the Center for Responsive Politics.
What is wrong with this picture?! Time to put term limits in to place!!!!!! Speak up America, at this rate we too will be one of the poorest countries in the hemisphere!
Food for thought the next time you vote.
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