Yesterday we had a great day of driving, me in a little zippy diesel Citroen, hugging the curves and the coast. Beautiful towns and villages, galleries everywhere! I have to do the research and find some interesting facts about Croatia, in the meantime I apologize, the Internet has been shoddy and I have not been able to upload my photos for you. I have to tell you a quick story of what happened to my in Istanbul. Of course I cannot sleep, so I was up watching the sunrise by the Bosphorus and I am watching this seagull on the ground and as I get closer it is trying to open its mouth to defend itself, I know it is hurt because it cannot move. The sun is rising and the black birds are coming for their pray, this defenseless bird! Ken had gone to print some documents and I could not leave because I had these birds waiting for me to leave to attack this poor bird. I see Ken in the distance and I start whistling, calling Ken towards me. I ask him to help me with the bird to see what his problem is, as Ken gets closet the poor bird had two hooks in him, one in his mouth and the other in his foot with the fishing wire wrapped all around him! I quickly pick up my bird And race for some help, mind you it is 6:30 in the morning, I am at the Kempinski, one of the finest hotels in Istanbul. We finally find a boy that works at the hotel and he goes for help. In the mean time Ken is trying to get out the hooks, I want to call the hotel doctor, I need pliers to try and get these hooks out of him. I can feel the poor birds heart racing, a million beats a second, the poor bird is trying to bite, fly, do everything it can do to get away from us. After four of us in the doctors office of the hotel, another security guard comes, takes the pliers removes the hook from the mouth and then the one from the foot, and he says after much cheer, "I am fisherman". I then take some iodine and place it on its bleeding leg, I thank everyone for their help, take my bird walk through the lobby and out back to where I found him. I set the bird down and say to Ken, oh no we are not out of the woods, look at his wings, he has fishing line all over his wing! We pick the bird up and Ken proceeds to untangle the line out from his wings. I then put the bird down and it does not move! The poor thing must have been exhausted, with a bleeding leg, unable to put weight on it, the bird just sits and starts to straighten out its feathers. Two hours later I check on my bird and it was still there. Finally that afternoon I went back to check again and the bird was gone. Needless to say I was exhausted by 8:00 a.m.. I hope my fair feathered friend made it back to the wild.
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