White women, you are not getting out of this one, Why is everyone in south Florida, the same color blonde? I know all of my fake blonde friends are fuming now!
What are we doing to ourselves, why are we trying to become something we are not, why are we injecting ourselves with poison to make wrinkles temporarily go away. Are we doing it for ourselves, for our men, women, to "Fit In" to society? Really, Aren't we all just a bunch of fakes? Living a false Identity? I am calling all of the powerful women like #OPRAH, I have been a loyal follower since her first day on the air and subscribe to her magazine.
Oprah preaching "authentic self" what does that mean? Instead of giving to the world of false illusions. Be the best you! Exercise, eat clean, live healthy and be happy! MEN, we are not all Barbies or Playboy bunnies, get over it! I am starting a photography project, I will give date and time when I will start shooting, anyone that is Natural, come in and I will take a photo of you, stay tuned! You tell me, who is the most beautiful in these images.
What is the message that we are sending to our sons and especially our daughters? That we are not good enough? That we need to change and confirm to what society says we need to be?

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