This is the problem when you give bigots like Bill Maher airtime. People like him are so set on their views they cannot hear anyone else try to enlighten them. Ben Affleck you win! Thank you for trying to bring to light, your concerns on the issue at hand. Take any radicals from any religion, they do not embrace women or gays, so for Bill and his other guest to suggest that this is only an issue with Islam is so wrong. When you spew rhetoric to the many ignorant people watching, they are not going to get that this occurs in many other religions too. Tell me of one organized religion aside from Bahai that accepts everyone, on the same level playing field. From the photos below, I would dare them to say that all of these other religions Catholic, Orthodox Jews, Muslims, Mennonites, Mormons and many more, do diminish the value of women. Unfortunately this is just scratching the surface of the problems worldwide and bigots such a Bill Maher having a very once sided view of the world.
This debate will continue beyond my lifetime and unfortunately I do not see a resolution to this big ugly word "Religion". This is the problem with all Fundamentalist in every religion!
It seems to me, if we got rid of organized religion, we would be much better off! Believe in
Karma, if you do wrong, wrong will be done to you. Every dog has their day, sooner or later.
Let go and let God. I am not saying you should not believe in a higher power, but what if you
did not have MEN interpreting the Bible, the Koran. What if WOMEN were the
ones interpreting them, would things be different? You can bet your a.. they would!
by the way, these are not Muslim women, there are Orthodox Jews.
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