Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth America!

As I was looking at one of my favorite sites, I ran across this T-shirt and it made me think, about how much we are hated across the world and how much hate there is in our own country. I think the forefathers are rolling in their graves at the behavior and the intolerance of some in the U.S. I think the "Christians" the religious right have taken hostage the way we run our country. I thought in the U.S. there was a separation of Church and State. I thought the "Nazism" had ended, or so I had hoped. When I see states like Arizona trying to change the constitution and introduce a law that allows, supports, and promotes racial profiling, it makes me sick! Most of you that really know me, know that I cry every time I hear the national anthem, because I am so thankful to be living in a country that has allowed millions of immigrants to dream, aspire, and become decent, law abiding citizens in what I believe is the best country in the world (with all its faults)! What I would hope is that Americans remember is throughout our short history the Italians, the Irish, the Arabs, (post 911) have all felt the hatred, and now we are hating the Hispanics until the next minority gets their chance at being hated, profiled, stereo typed and demeaned. I hope and pray that we can unite as a country as see people a human beings for who they are and not a religion,  a race, gay or straight, or any other label that people like to place on one another.  How strange that the TSHIRT proclaims, with plenty of arrogance, that "Merica" is running the world, when in fact, our struggle in 1776 was against a power (the British Empire) that proclaimed exactly the same for itself, with equal arrogance.  Just like the Spanish, the French and the Romans before them.  We should focus on healing our country and keep our nose out of other peoples business.  I say that as I write my blog! How hypocritical is that? Or maybe it is that sometimes what we need is to have someone look outside the box to see the harm we do. Two days ago Hong Kong celebrated with a twenty five minute firework show celebrating fifteen years of being reunited with China. What might have gone unnoticed to many was that more than 200,000 thousand people paraded for hours and hours prior to fireworks because it is their opinion that things were better when the British ruled.  The point is that people are at their best when they can make their own choices.  It needn't be the model that we in "Merica" , or in China, or in Britain, think is best.  It is for the people to decide.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Give me your tired, your poor, 
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

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