Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dogs, rats is it right or wrong? Who is to say?

I have been thinking for a long time about the food I eat while I am in Hong Kong and traveling around Asia.
Last year when we were in Northern Thailand, there was a tribe that eats dog, well that is no surprise most people
around this past of the world do, but they only ate black ones. In Vietnam, they eat EVERYTHING! Dogs, rats, chicken feet and every single part of every animal, heart, lungs. liver, you name it, they eat it. Is it wrong to eat a dog? Or a rat? I asked the guide, why do you eat rat, do they not carry disease? He said to me, the are field rats, very clean! They peel off the skin and chop the head off, clean out the intestines put it on a stick and barbecue it. Then he says they put mango sauce on it and yummy! I think of myself how disgusting! Why do I not feel the same about cows, pigs and chickens or fish for that matter? Is it humane to eat dogs? I am not saying I am going vegetarian, but it does dive me pause when I see them eating dog, but what gives me the right to be a hypocrite? Food for thought....I am now going to share with you some rather graphic images of some of the food they sell at the market. It is not pretty.

(below) these are chicken feet without the bones a delicacy

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